The Wilmington Preschool of the Arts
The Wilmington Preschool of the Arts
COVID Policy
COVID Policy
At WPA, if a child has been exposed to COVID by a family member who has tested positive, they must remain out of school for 5 days. We ask that on day 5 you test your child before returning them to school.
The following is information from: ChildCareStrongNC Public Health Toolkit • Published March 23, 2020; Updated July 2022
Testing for individuals who have been exposed. Individuals who have been exposed to COVID-19 and have not developed symptoms should: Be tested on day 5 after exposure unless the person tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 90 days. If the person develops symptoms, he/she should stay home and get tested immediately. The individual may also choose to test immediately upon notification of exposure to start isolation period sooner if the test is positive. Individuals can use a healthcare provider, other available testing sites, or use at-home antigen tests for testing for COVID-19.
Exclude children if: The child has a fever taken by any method, including at armpit or orally: A child older than two months has a temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Has two or more episodes of vomiting within a 12-hour period or has more than two stools above the child’s normal pattern and diarrhea is not contained by a diaper or when toilet-trained children are having accidents o Is unable to participate comfortably in activities. Has symptoms that result in a need for care that is greater than the staff members can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children. [Required by North Carolina Child Care Rules 10A NCAC 09 .0804 and .1720(a).]
Exclusion for people with COVID-19: People with COVID-19 must be excluded from childcare for 5 days after the first day of symptoms or date of COVID-19 test if they have no symptoms. People may
return to childcare after 5 days if they have no symptoms or symptoms are improving and they have been fever free for 24 hours without use of fever reducing medications but must continue to wear a mask for an additional 5 days to minimize the risk of infecting others, unless an exemption to mask use applies. The mask can be removed during sleeping, eating, and drinking.
Exclusion for people who are exposed to COVID-19: NCDHHS recommends childcare facilities no longer exclude individuals after an identified exposure to COVID-19 (regardless of location of exposure) unless they develop symptoms. Although exclusion from childcare is no longer recommended following an exposure, when an individual with COVID-19 is identified in the childcare setting: Childcare staff should notify staff and families of children who have been exposed so they can receive appropriate public health guidance, testing, and access to any resources that might be needed. Individuals who have been exposed should: Wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days after the last known exposure unless an exemption to mask use applies, be tested on day 5 after exposure, unless the person tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 90 days. If the exposed person develops symptoms, he/she should stay home and get tested immediately. The exposed person may also choose to test immediately upon notification of exposure to start isolation period sooner if the test is positive. Although exclusion is no longer required statewide for people who have been exposed but have no symptoms, childcare facilities may restrict families to keep their asymptomatic children home for five days after an exposure if they choose to do so.
Local public health officials may continue requiring exclusion of exposed children and staff if determined necessary based on local conditions.
ChildCareStrongNC Public Health Toolkit • Published March 23, 2020; Updated July 2022